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 Peak:  Blanca Peak
 Route:  Lake Como Approach
 Range:  Sangre de Cristo
 Posted By:  Lewandowski
 Date of Info:  8/7/2015
 Date Posted:  8/7/2015

Bears have been causing problems in the Lake Como camping area for climbers accessing Blanca, Little Bear and Ellingwood. On Aug. 7, staffers from Colorado Parks and Wildlife and the U.S. Forest Service placed a some cables between trees to allow campers to hang their food and camping gear. An instruction sheet will explain how to use the set-up properly. Please, use the cables to hang your gear at night and while you're off climbing.

Campers are reminded to cook well away from their tent sites. Do not take any food or toiletries that might be fragrant inside your tent. If you see a bear, make it feel uncomfortable -- yell at it, throw things at it and make yourself look big. Never provide food for bears. Talk to other campers who are not "bear aware."

Comments or Questions
One frustrated bear
8/10/2015 7:36pm
Day–tripped Little Bear today and got a chance to see the new cables in action. It was kind of entertaining to watch a bear go from one tree to the other trying to find a way to get at the food bags. We didn’t hang around long enough to see if it succeeded or gave up. In any case, thanks a lot for putting those in place –– those cables will have to improve things.

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