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 Peak:  Longs Peak
 Route:  Keyhole Route
 Range:  Front
 Posted By:  emgordon
 Date of Info:  2/6/2016
 Date Posted:  2/7/2016

Well packed until trail turns west towards MLW, then the summer trail is actually clear in a few places from wind scour. Made it about a mile from Chasm Lake until winds convinced us to give up.

Sidebar: saw some tracks, nails were visible which some research indicates likely means fox (not lynx as I originally thought). Wish I'd taken a picture, but anyone seen any carnivores above treeline on Longs in winter before?

Comments or Questions
2/8/2016 3:04pm
Thanks for adding the pic. That is helpful.

Maybe Coyote?
2/22/2016 12:42pm
I went up to the boulderfield this past weekend and could of sworn I heard the yipping of coyotes. I didn't see anything or any tracks but it sounded like they were above treeline somewhere in the valley below granite pass.

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