2023 Goals

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Jon Frohlich
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Re: 2023 Goals

Post by Jon Frohlich »

Scott P wrote: Fri Sep 01, 2023 12:13 pm
TomPierce wrote: Fri Sep 01, 2023 12:01 pm In early May I completed the Great Sand Dunes trip referenced above, but 4 days later began a slide into a medical abyss, the onset of a mystery autoimmune disorder. I currently can't go up or down stairs without assistance, can't hike, climb, run at all, etc.
Get well soon Tom and I'll be rooting for you. I hope that it passes and that we'll be hearing about your adventures soon, whatever they may be.
Tom, hope you feel better soon. Hope some new meds help and get you back out there.
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Re: 2023 Goals

Post by Mtnman200 »

Mtnman200 wrote: Fri Feb 03, 2023 1:00 pm My goals are simple:

1. Climb more peaks than in 2022;
2. Climb Peak Ten (13,420) to (re)complete the tricentennials;
3. Climb Red Mtn. to complete a second tour of duty on the centennials; and
4. Backpack for five days at Isle Royale National Park.
1. Done (33 summits in 2023 vs. 17 in 2022);
2. Fail (The weather forecast for when I planned to do this was terrible, so I canceled the backpacking trip.)
3. Done 7/1/2023;
4. Done 5/15/2023 - 5/19/2023.
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Re: 2023 Goals

Post by daway8 »

3/4 of the year update:

- Remaining 14er subsummits: Southeast Longs, West Wilson, Pin Point
Got South Wilson done earlier this year; a couple times was almost lined up for Pin Point, West Wilson with a ridge direct traverse but plans kept changing. With an extended weekend needed, the calendar filling up, and snowy conditions not too far off, this will most likely have to wait until next year, but might possibly have a window or two left...

- Expand 13er count - both snowflake and otherwise and inclusive of all categories (cent, bicent, ranked, unranked).
Looking really good - got lots of new flakes then have gone on to add a respectable number of peaks of all categories!

- Possibly try to squeeze in another 14er snowflake or two
Didn't get this done last winter but it occurs to me there might possibly be a last ditch hope of squeezing something in at the start of this coming winter...

- Consider (conditions/schedule permitting) taking on some harder 13er snowflakes (class 3+) in order to help address the above fruit problem
Was looking like this was going to be a miss but upon conversion to a spring goal I not only got a little bit of scattered class 3+ snow scrambling but overshot the goal with a wickedly wild spring ascent of the Keyhole route totally filled in with snow followed by a Cables descent. Though this is a bit different than what I was originally thinking, doing the Narrows on a slanted snowfield with no rock showing was quite the experience and dropping down Cables without having ever done that route before was a nice little adventure, especially with clouds rolling up from below. This was a major upgrade to my previous snow based climbing and first time to dual wield ice axes!

- Commence pondering the possibility of some year maybe actually doing some winter camping
Unexpectedly getting the ball rolling on this one thanks to a serious upgrade in car camping capability; have a -10 degree sleeping bag ready for some action. Though for now this will be strictly car camping in winter, not yet backpacking, and this presumes I last through the fall without wimping out, lol.

- Maybe have a go at another Great Traverse or two (haven't done Crestones or LB-B)
Still on the radar with a ridge direct repeat of El Diente-Wilson top of the list (to grab Pin Point and West Wilson) but, as stated above, rapidly dwindling likelihood of it happening this year.

- Keep my eyes open for opportunities to team up with partners (old or new) for any of the above or perhaps a repeat that can be pitched in an appealing manner
Super successful on this one so far - have done twice as many hikes with partners vs. without, which is very, very different than how I used to be. Also have expanded the number of people I've hiked with and done repeats with some of the new partners plus helped some along the way in accomplishing their goals. I'm interested in continuing this trend.
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Re: 2023 Goals

Post by HikesInGeologicTime »

HikesInGeologicTime wrote: Tue Mar 07, 2023 1:00 pm Skiing is the only thing I truly care about in life, so every season, I try to make sure I get at least 50 days in at the resorts.

I got to Day 50 on February 28th this year, then 51 & 52 the first two days of March.
I got a grand total of 102 resort days in this year, then four new fourteener ski descents and a new thirteener among more venturing out beyond the lifts in general. I’ve also kept the ski-at-least-one-day-a-month streak I’ve had going since October ‘21 alive, even if August was more gingerly shuffling my skis over dirt than actual skiing, so I’m hoping for some decent snow somewhere by the end of September so I don’t ruin my bases before the official season even starts!

Outside of skiing:
HikesInGeologicTime wrote: Mon Dec 05, 2022 5:17 pm The last time I stated my goals outright, after nervously chuckling that doing so was probably going to be a major self-whammy, I, uh, whammied myself pretty good. I kept this year’s hopes and dreams under wraps to avoid further self-fulfilling superstition:
HikesInGeologicTime wrote: Thu Dec 02, 2021 8:47 pm Rather than give the cosmos another chance to mock me, I'm going to adapt some writing advice I heard about story ideas to stating goals: keep all of 'em between you and whatever medium you're committing them to. The best part [sic] to talk about them is after they're done.
The Big Goal that I’ve been working on for the past few years - namely, finally finishing the f—-ing fourteeners…
…is finally finished! And I’ll have all of leaf season to celebrate by enjoying some nice, boring hikes up nice, boring trails and mountains where I can mosey along and listen to music and take lots of pictures and not worry about getting weathered off something steep, slick, and scrambly!
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Re: 2023 Goals

Post by jrbren_vt »

I broke my fibula/ankle on Horn Peak on June 18, which pretty much wiped out my summer hiking season. My 13er and 14er count needles have not budged this year. It's been 11 weeks and 1 day since the break, not that I am counting, and I am walking around on flat trails around COS now. My goal for the rest of the year would be to get back into hiking and hopefully climb some "low hanging fruit" peaks I have not done yet, probable targets Sherman, Bierstadt, Sniktau/Cupid/Grizzly, and peaks I have done before where there are no "surprises". Class 1 stuff. I am still a few weeks away from that. Maybe do some winter (I don't mean the calendar definition, I mean hikes in winter conditions, I know many on this forum consider it important to distinguish) ascents of the easier peaks after when/if the snow flies. I have experience with this just don't enjoy it as much as snow free trails.

Congrats to all who are "crushing it" out there, I am living vicariously though your trip reports and YouTube films.
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Re: 2023 Goals

Post by greenonion »

Scott P wrote: Fri Sep 01, 2023 12:13 pm
TomPierce wrote: Fri Sep 01, 2023 12:01 pm In early May I completed the Great Sand Dunes trip referenced above, but 4 days later began a slide into a medical abyss, the onset of a mystery autoimmune disorder. I currently can't go up or down stairs without assistance, can't hike, climb, run at all, etc.
Get well soon Tom and I'll be rooting for you. I hope that it passes and that we'll be hearing about your adventures soon, whatever they may be.
For sure. So sorry to hear this, Tom. Hoping for a quick turnaround and recovery. It’ll figure out it shouldn’t have messed with YOU!
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Re: 2023 Goals

Post by madmattd »

madmattd wrote: Mon Jan 02, 2023 2:18 pm 325mi hiking - New goal (Sept): 450mi. Well, I'm a few miles shy of 500 with a few days left in the year...
100k vert hiking - 148k
2 winter snowflake hikes (13ers or 14ers) - Killed this one: 4 14er hikes (Bierstadt, Evans, DeCaLiBron*, Pikes), 1 13er hike (Grizzly/Cupid/Snikatu).
Class 3 explorations - Kit Carson/Longs are my only real class 3 ascents, but I loved both (ignoring Challenger Point to get to KC...) - Revisited Longs, did Pettingell's East Ridge, West Partner South Ridge from the Outpost saddle (super fun!). So sorta success? Had a few others planned that didn't pan out.
More backpacking - 4 nights minimum, 6+ desired - 5 trips, 6 nights thus far. Might go for another CT segment before the snow flies in earnest.
10 new ranked 13ers - Uh, well... I hit 21 (plus 4 repeats). Getting 6 in one day (Cataract-UN13256) didn't hurt.

More specific goals:
- Hiking/photography trip to Moab (Canyonlands/Arches). Haven't been since 2018(edit:2019) due to a variety of reasons, needs to happen this year! - Had a fun trip in early March, good to get back out there for a few days.
- Chicago Basin trip (3+ 14ers & Jupiter) - Didn't really ever get the planning off the ground on this one. In the early planning stages for 2024.
- Wetterhorn - Hoped to hit this during Fall Gathering - 70mph winds said nope.
- Lindsay NW Ridge (if access reopens...) - Yea...
- Attend Fall/Winter Gatherings - Attended Fall Gathering, went to do Fletcher during Winter Welcomer with a forum member but we aborted and didn't hang long enough for the main groups to finish.
Last edited by madmattd on Wed Dec 27, 2023 6:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2023 Goals

Post by two lunches »

two lunches wrote: Thu Dec 22, 2022 12:23 pm goal-setting is always so tricky with an 8-5... so many hobbies, so little PTO

1. Colfax Half - DONE. 10miler booked for 2023 and we're running for a cause this time!
2. 12er/13er/14er per month challenge - if i push through april of next year this isn't a failure (yet)
3. Renew WFA certification - maybe a fall project...
4. Complete two more segments of the CT - DONE.
5. Two backpacking trips - DONE. three done so far, one more planned
6. Complete at least one peak in all of the major ranges - high hopes for this goal that's been sort of low-hanging fruit for the last 5 years. hoping to chalk off mosquito and tenmile in the funny shoulder months.
7. Improve yoga inversions - DONE. not a huge improvement, but i guess i didn't specify
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Re: 2023 Goals

Post by climbingcue »

climbingcue wrote: Mon May 15, 2023 10:13 am Get the Bicentennials down to Mosquito currently at 200/201 so I can finish on a snowboard in spring of 2024 Finisher will be Wheeler in Spring of 2024 as a snowboard descent
Continue my streak of at least one 13er or 14er per month 66 months as of September 2023
Get as many snowboarding days in as possible on my IKON full pass and break the million vertical feet dropped for the second year. season total was 60 Days and 1,260,004 vertical feet ✅
Splitboard some more 14ers and 13ers PT 13,255, Aetna, Sayres Benchmark, London, Mosquito, and Sneffels via one of the birthday chutes, Mountain Boy
More 14er snowflakes 3 new ones this winter, not very good but the snow has been falling on the resorts
Dallas August 2023 ✅ and Coxcomb for the 2nd time September 2023 ✅
Lizard Head
Get to 180 14er summits currently at 173
Get to 300 13er summits including unranked currently at 307 ✅
Grand Teton
All the Idaho 12ers 1 in 2022 and 7 in 2023 only one to go spring of 2024 on the snowboard
Mt Rainier
Break 200k vertical feet climbed again currently at 175k
Finish the last grand traverse in Colorado, I need Little Bear, Blanca
Bells traverse for the 2nd time 9/16/2023 ✅
Attend the Spring, Fall and Winter Welcomers Spring Gathering 2023 Fall Gathering 2023 ✅
Go with partners on their 14er finishers Went with James to his 58 finisher on Sneffels on 5/13/23 ✅
Last edited by climbingcue on Mon Oct 02, 2023 9:20 am, edited 4 times in total.
Consecutive months with at least one 13er or 14er, 78 months
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Re: 2023 Goals

Post by Ed_Groves »

I fell short of my goals due to an issue with my partner in August. He had climbed Longs Peak a few years earlier and he was hyped to come out with me from Missouri and do some more class 3. However, when we arrived at our lodging he did some more research and decided against doing any class 3 routes. I did Kelso Ridge while he climbed the standard route to Grays and Torreys. Then we split Bierstadt and Evans from the Sawtooth route, doing the standard routes on each so that he wouldn't be climbing alone the whole time we were here. Instead of doing both of those mountains in one day it took two days, so I was unable to complete the Halo Ridge route on Holy Cross. Also, we dropped Mt Argentine off of our first day hike of Mt Edwards.

Last week I came out again and hiked every day to finish the rest of the 14ers on my list of goals for the year.

- Torrey's Peak via Kelso Ridge Completed 08/08/2023
- Mt Bierstadt via Sawtooth Completed Bierstadt only on 08/10/2023
- Mt Evans (with Bierstadt) Completed Evans only on 08/11/2023
- Mt of the Holy Cross Did not attempt
- Mt Antero Completed on 09/04/2023
- Huron Peak Completed on 09/08/2023
- Mt Belford Completed on 09/09//2023
- Mt Oxford (with Belford) Completed on 09/09/2023
- Missouri Mountain Completed on 09/05/2023
- La Plata Peak Completed on 09/06/2023

Mt Edwards Completed on 08/07/2023
Mt Argentine (with Edwards) Did not attempt
Holy Cross Ridge (with Mt of the Holy Cross) Did not attempt
Unnamed 13248 (with Mt of the Holy Cross) Did not attempt
Mt Spalding 13842 Completed while hiking standard route on Evans
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Re: 2023 Goals

Post by jibler »

would it be wrong to say my goal is for my Thread Ideas thread to get more views than the 2023 Goals thread??


after the titanic 2022 new spot per month challenge wrap up super finale - I have been taking it easy this year. Actually going back to spots i've been before!

but - still itching for a big fall classic finale too. Simple stuff that has been on radar still calls me - Mt of Holy Cross, Eagles Nest, Mt Audobon.

If I can take 2 of those 3 -- that's gonna be big.
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Re: 2023 Goals

Post by LarryM »

Late summer update. Not an overwelming success so far.
LarryM wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 4:59 pm (1) Be grateful for what I can still do in the mountains at almost 63 years old, and at peace with what I can't do. Mixed. On the one hand, I'm frustrated at what I haven't been able to do. OTOH, I still managed to spend a lot of quality time in the mountains & on the trails., doing stuff that 99.9% of people my age can't do, and am happy with that.

(2) At the same time, work on re-gaining some lost fitness to at least somewhat push back against the sands of time. Also mixed. Compared to when I posted this, certainly I've regained some fitness. I was pretty happy with my progress at the end of June. But the summer could have been better - a badly sprained ankle at the beginning of July, Covid at the beginning of August - so I've regressed a bit. But at the same time, when I climbed Elbert in July, 10 days removed from the sprained ankle, I still managed to pass 40 or more (probably more, I didn't keep count - it was a weekday, but still a typically crowded summer morning on Elbert) mostly younger people on the way up, with no one passing me (well except one guy early, but I passed him back at tree line and left him in the dust).

(3) Several new peaks - mostly 13ers. I have a bunch in mind but will remain flexible as to which ones. In terms of 14ers, mainly I want to finish up the Sawatch (Holy Cross, Oxford, Antero and Tabeguache). Mostly a failure; my sprained ankle severely limited me on my planned 2 weeks in the mountains in early July. The only new 14er was Sunshine, no new 13ers. Some new lower peaks: Seven Utes Mountains (11er), Eldorado, Mount Falcon, The Chief (Squamish BC). A number of repeats as well (including Elbert, Grays, Red Cloud, Hallett, Niwot, and of course many repeats on the local Boulder peaks). Probably no more this year - I'm headed to Spain for 3 weeks tomorrow, and by the time I get back, the high mountain season will be almost over (for me, I don't really get out much in the high mountains in winter or late fall). Contemplating attempting Mulhacen, the highest peak in Spain - though it will be a big day from where I'll be staying (Trevelez).

(4) Fun with friends in the mountains - okay, this should be higher - part of the reason for #2 above is so that I can continue to hang with my mostly younger / more athletic friends without slowing them down too much.I'll count this as a success, runs with friends and hikes with my partner. The former somewhat less than in previous years due to slowing down.

(5) Complete another Ultra after missing cutoffs in the last 3 I ran. Looking at the Never Summer 60K. Bonus is that the best part of the course is front loaded, so I can still have a great day in the mountains even if I don't finish.DNF at Never Summer (didn't make a cut off). I had excuses - lingering ankle soreness + running on borrowed, worn out shoes (don't ask). Still a great (half) day in the mountains.

(6) Finally do the Weston pass to Mosquito pass traverse, which has been on my list for 3 years now. Maybe the most efficient way to tag ten 13ers (roughly, depending upon how you count them) and a 14er in one day.Nope

(7) Volunteer again at Hard Rock & live vicariously through the crazy people who run the race. Also volunteer again at the Never Summer 100K, the day after I run the 60K.Yep. Both great experiences.

(8) Finally get my first snowflake. Attempted it January 2, but turned around short on Bierstadt because of a late start.No, but I still have a week in December to get this. :)

(9) 2,000 miles / 400,000 feet of vert.On track for the vert (currently at 316,906); going to fall a little short on distance (currently at 1,395 miles). Still can't really complain.

Modest by the standards of most people on this site, but if I manage most of those I'll consider it a successful year.
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