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 Peak:  Peak Six
 Route:  From Sunlight Lake & Jagged Pass
 Range:  San Juan
 Posted By:  supranihilest
 Date of Info:  7/19/2020
 Date Posted:  7/19/2020

From Jagged Pass the ridge up Peak Six looks tempting but to my knowledge has never been climbed. Take that to heart. We descended into Noname Basin and traversed around the eastern side of the lake that Noname Creek spills out of (Noname Lake seems appropriate, but it's literally got no name) on horrendous talus slopes and slabs, then northeast up super loose garbage to the summit ridge and summit. There wasn't anything difficult on Peak Six with the exception of just how loose and junky the rock was. We reversed our route to Jagged Pass and camp.

Photos: 1) Looking across Peak Six's west slopes. 2, 3, and 4) What a trash heap of a mountain.

NOTE: Since this was ascended a while ago and I'm just now getting back to internet, I've put today's date for visibility, since there hasn't otherwise been recent updates for the peak. I'll backdate this CR in a couple of days.


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