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 Trailhead:  Mt. Princeton Road
 Posted By:  Cricket
 Date of Info:  9/25/2020
 Date Posted:  9/25/2020
Status Update
We drove up the night before to camp and summit. Maintenance has just been done on the road and it is smooth up until the radio tower (10800) and even a bit further. There are also some nice car camping spots ~.1 (10900) up the road from radio tower. HOWEVER, the road is narrow and there are very few pull off points for vehicles to allow each other to pass. If you plan on coming up past the initial parking area (especially on a busy weekend) this is definitely something you should keep in mind as there are very few places to park and/or turn around. I think it would be thoughtful of those coming up to allow those heading down the right of way since it is more difficult to backup. Just wanted to inform everyone of the narrow (but nicely maintained road) that it is a bit sketch for two vehicles to be passing each other.

Comments or Questions
Uphill drivers..
9/26/2020 6:36am
..have the right of way since it's safer for drivers to back up hill.

Colorado Revised Statutes
42-4-711. Driving on mountain highways.
(1) The driver of a motor vehicle traveling
through defiles or canyons or on mountain highways shall hold such motor vehicle under control and
as near to the right-hand edge of the highway as reasonably possible and, except when driving
entirely to the right of the center of the roadway, shall give audible warning with the horn of such
motor vehicle upon approaching any curve where the view is obstructed within a distance of two
hundred feet along the highway.
(2) On narrow mountain highways with turnouts having a grade of six percent or more,
ascending vehicles shall have the right-of-way over descending vehicles, except where it is more
practicable for the ascending vehicle to return to a turnout.
(3) Any person who violates any provision of this section commits a class A traffic

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