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Mount Massive - 14,427 Feet

As the 2nd highest peak in Colorado, Mt. Massive has the most land above 14,000 feet. With five 14k+ summits and a north-to-south length of several miles, this peak is truly massive. Viewing Mt. Massive from U.S. 24 in Leadville, you can't help but see the grand size of this peak.

If you're in good shape and have a few 14ers under your belt, you can climb Mt. Massive via either the standard East Ridge Route or the rugged Southwest Ridge Route. Both have a trail almost to the summit but when you get close to the top, you'll be faced with some Class 2 terrain. Make sure you're in good shape and well acclimated before climbing this peak.
  360° Panorama from the summit of Mount Massive.
360 Pano

Mount Massive from 13er Mount Oklahoma.
Hiking the west slopes of Mount Massive.
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Massive seen from the east.
Massive seen during a hike of the East Slopes.
Hiking the east slopes of Massive.
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Massive seen from Mount Elbert.
Massive from Turquoise Lake during sunrise.
Massive from Turquoise Lake.
Massive seen from 13er Mount Sheridan.

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